10th February 2025 

Your Mail...

This is the space for your contributions, the history of your vehicle, your own story or experiences...

Your input helps make this a live site, so please do write in, using the interactive Web Form at the end of this page. Contributions will be reviewed and may be edited, before being posted up.

Note that there is also a Romeo & A12/F12 forum on the AlfaBB.com site.

This is where you can ask for information about Romeos, or maybe pass on details of interest. Please use the For Sale & Wanted section if you are seeking parts or if you have them for sale.
Looking forward to seeing your posting here soon!
Tony Stevens

Hello Romeo fans,

Does anybody have vehicle & contact details for the high-roof window van which was sold on eBay in around 2003? It was yellow or beige, bodywork by Bonfanti, maybe in California?


Web Form

Please state your name, email & country as a minimum. Then write your contribution and let me know if you wish to hear from other Romeo owners or enthusiasts, or if you have a photo of your Romeo that you could send me (I will contact you to arrange this).

Contact Name:

Contact email:


(500 words max)

When you have filled in all the relevant information, please click
'Send' to submit your enquiry.